Jun 06, 2020
One of the most complex and costly aspects of operating a small or medium-sized food product business is the effort to ship and/or deliver product to buyers. This can be even more of a challenge for products that must remain refrigerated or frozen.
A startup called Portobel is hoping to build a business by offering delivery options to address those challenges. The San Francisco-based company originally offered solutions to help monitor food product delivery operations. Now it has pivoted and is offering direct-to-consumer delivery solutions for food producers, something that could be a huge help to food product companies.
TechCrunch, a Website focusing on the tech industry, recently profiled Portobel. You can read the TechCrunch article here: https://techcrunch.com/2020/06/05/portobel/
Visit the Portobel Website here: https://www.portobel.com/